Welcome to the Australian and New Zealand Popular Culture community! We’re so happy you’re here and we want you take full advantage of the opportunities our new platform provides. Please read over the code of conduct so we can continue to ensure a safe and supportive space for all. Thank you for your dedication to the Popular Culture Association!
Call for Papers
Papers, panels, and roundtables are now invited for the Australian and New Zealand Popular Culture area for the Popular Culture Association (PCA) national conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The Australian and New Zealand area is a dedicated section within the PCA for scholars of popular culture from Australia and New Zealand to showcase their work in an international forum.
Presentations are welcome from any area of popular culture research. The focus of the presentation need not be exclusively Australian- or New Zealand-based, only that the research is being conducted by scholars from Australia and/or New Zealand, or international scholars who are working with colleagues in Australia or New Zealand.
Proposals or full papers are welcome. Abstracts should be between 200 and 250 words. The Australian and New Zealand area is happy to accept proposals from undergraduate researchers and from scholars outside the formal academy.
Submissions will only be accepted through the PCA website.
Any questions can be sent to Glen Thomas, Area Chair: gj.thomas@qut.edu.au
Important Dates to Remember:
Those Presenters Not Registered by Feb. 15 Will be Dropped from the Program
Remember Me
Popular Culture Association
One Glenlake Parkway, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30328