The PCA Dime Novels & Juvenile Series Books area coves two distinct but related areas of interest: juvenile series books of all types and eras, and the series books’ precursors: early popular publications for mass audiences of all ages (dime novels, nickel weeklies, story papers, etc.).
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What should we do to achieve happiness? Get rich? Start a family? Live a virtuous life? Become a star? Seek enlightenment? The answer depends on when, where, and whom you ask. Our topic explores the role culture and its products and institutions (e.g. popular arts, social and other media, education) play in constructing and popularizing different ideas about happiness and how best to pursue it. Ultimately, we are interested in how and why certain ideas about happiness get to dominate.
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Monsters, Monstrosities, & the Monstrous is a special topics area for 2024. Our hope is for this area to become a standing area because monsters need a home at PCA.
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Welcome to the Special Topic Area Reproductive Justice! This is our second year as an area, and we are excited to have a dedicated area for this topic.
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The Tolkien Studies area reflects Tolkien scholarship's varied and multi-disciplinary nature. Scholars working with medieval, modern, or postmodern approaches to Tolkien's legendarium (including the posthumously published volumes) are welcome, as are scholars working on film and television adaptations, games, and fan communities and fan creations. A list of all the sessions offered by the area since 2014 can be found at: https://robinareid.substack.com/p/tolkien-studies-area-pcaaca
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The Westerns & the West area encompasses of all aspects of the transnational North American West. The wide-ranging topics include all forms of westerns, such as novels, art, comics, music, films, & television, produced anywhere in the world. They also include all scholarly fields, such as Ethnic Studies, Environmental Studies, Gender Studies, History, & Anthropology. The panels reflect a balanced study of fact and fiction, a variety of genres, & the inclusion of diverse cultures.
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